If you are involved in the relocation process, either as a relocation professional or transferee, you will be happy to know that Piekos Appraisals has the education and experience to determine an accurate Anticipated Sales Price for the subject property. Paul PIekos is currently listed on page 29 of the 2019 ERC directory (the latest published). I am a 2024 member of the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council. I am one of the first relocation appraisers to have successfully completed the Worldwide ERC's Relocation Appraisal Training Program for the new 2010 form. Click here to see a copy of my certificate. I have also attended the Worldwide ERC Relocation Appraising seminar provided by the Appraisal Institute. All relocation appraisals are written to the E-R-C guidelines. I am aware that I represent you, the client, and act and conduct the relocation appraisal professionally and in a timely manner. All reports are written in a clear and concise format, with emphasis on consistency. Because time is of the essence, Piekos Appraisals strictly adheres to the timetables set by the client. Our primary market area is DuPage County, which includes Naperville, in Illinois. For clients that are so equipped, I can transmit the completed report electronically (which includes all exhibits including color digital images, mapping and electronic signature) using ordinary email to quickly deliver the report and save you even more time!
"Paul Piekos has been awarded National Relocation Appraiser of the Year for 2018 by Fidelity Residential Solutions Property Services Division."
Click here to view an ERC demonstration report, which can be delivered to the client electronically.
